Travel guide

Frequently asked questions about Vietnam golf

 Frequently asked questions about Vietnam golf
When should I make my booking?

As soon as you are sure which dates you wish to travel, we would advise you to make your reservation. During traditionally busy periods (Christmas, New Year, Easter and National Holidays), we would book as early as possible. To obtain the lowest domestic airfares if any must be book within 30 days or more in advance. To get the best tee times, good hotels you are also advised to book everything in advance.

What is Vietnam’s weather and climate?
What time of year and day can I play golf in Vietnam?
Is Vietnam in-expensive to play golf?
Do I need a handicap?
What kind of transportation is available in Vietnam?
Where can I play golf in Vietnam?
Is golf in Vietnam different?
How much does it cost to eat out?
It is worth bringing my own clubs?

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