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The worshipping of Mother goddesses of Vietnamese people

The worshipping of Mother goddesses of Vietnamese people

Tam Phu in the Mother goddesses Worshipping Belief corresponds to three different regions in universe, namely; Thien Phu (the Heaven region), Nhac Phu (the forest and mountain region), and Thoai Phu (the river and water region).



(Photo: internet)



Besides praying for health, fortune, and luck, the practice of Mother goddess worshipping is considered a "living museum" that preserves the cultural and historical identity of Vietnamese people with an artistic combination of traditional cultural elements such as costumes, music, lyrics, dances...



(Photo: internet)



On December 1, 2016, at the 11th Intergovernmental Committee Meeting on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO held in the capital Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), The Mother goddesses worshipping Belief of Vietnam was officially named on the list of intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity.

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