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Viet Nam, Giong festival at Phu Dong and Soc temple

Viet Nam, Giong festival at Phu Dong and Soc temple

Giong festival at Phu Dong and Soc temple Giong festival is a traditional one for commemorating and praising the victory of the hero Thanh Giong, one of the four immortals of Vietnamese folk beliefs. The global outstanding value of Giong festival is that it is a preserved cultural phenomenon handled down continuously and completely over many generations.



(photo: internet)



The festival also plays a role of connecting the community and contains many creative ideas, expressing the aspiration of the country in peace and the people with a prosperous and happy life. In terms of art, the Giong festival covers many fine values such as marching, flagging, drumming, gong, dancing, tiger dance, ect.



(photo: internet)



In 2010, the Giong festival at Phu Dong and Soc temple was officially recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

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