The bright blue sky welcomed me in Da Lat, Vietnam, a small town about 300 km from Ho Chi Minh City. My first impression of Da Lat was immediate comfort, as the charming landscape with mountainous backgrounds, totally different from Ho Chi Minh City.


The dog immerses himself in the Da Lat atmosphere


I began my story in Da Lat from Lam Vien Square, sitting by the Xuan Huong lake observing the local doing their activities. I spent the first day exploring the city on a motorbike borrowed from a couchsurfing host named Rosie.


Xuan Huong lake 


The next day, I met another local Vietnamese woman named Quin. We connected through Couchsurfing, an app that connects strangers and local people in a city. With her friendly smile, she welcomed me to join her on an adventure to a café about 45 minutes from Da Lat City. We started our journey at 7 in the morning, riding a motorbike from a house hidden in the outskirts of Da Lat near the church.


With Quin at the café


Upon arriving at the café, the cold air struck me. However, the collaboration of the beautiful green hills and the blue sky successfully distracted me from the coldness. We enjoyed a cup of Vietnamese coffee while sharing stories about our lives, as it was our first meeting, we naturally got to know each other and shared everything. She shared many things about her life, her busy schedule, her family, and the things she liked. Similarly, I shared my stories with her.

After enjoying coffee and taking photos around the café, we was heading to Da Lat train station, the oldest railway station in Vietnam. The station was designed by two French architects, Moncet and Revéron, and built between 1932 and 1938. 

Da Lat train station

Our adventure continued into the evening when we met again at Lam Vien Square to watch a lion dance performance. There, I saw her looked so beautiful in a short skirt and a jacket to keep her warm in the coldness of Da Lat at night. While enjoying local drinks and snacks, we became closer to each other, shared another little chit chat until we realized it was already 10 pm.


People flock to the square to watch the lion dance performance during the Mid-Autumn Festival.


Bánh Tráng Nướng (pizza Da Lat) is a signature dish of Da Lat


We parted ways at Lam Vien Square, with Quin continuing her night with her friends while I returned to my host's house to pack my bag, as I had to return to Ho Chi Minh City the next day. With Quin, the adventure in Da Lat became more than just a usual travel; she became part of an experience that made this journey unforgettable.


Thanks to all my friends for welcoming me in Da Lat wink

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