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Xoan singing in Phu Tho, Viet Nam

Xoan singing in Phu Tho, Viet Nam

Xoan singing, also known as Khuc mon dinh (singing at the door of the communal house) is traditional occurring in temples and shrines, dated from Hung kings. In the past, Van Lang people organized xoan singing in the spring to welcome the new year.



(photo: internet)



There are 3 forms: worshipping the Hung kings and the village guardian spirits; wishing for good crops, health and luck: Festive courtship songs alternating male and female voices. Xoan singing has a long history, strict art organization, vast cultural space and strong spread throughout the community.



(photo: internet)



Due to the origin of xoan singing associated with the legends of the Hung king; The original xoan villages were all ancient villages located in the center of Van Lang country, so xoan singing also preserves many ancient elements of the deep values of folklore from the dawn of Vietnam's nation building history. With global outstanding values, in 2011, UNESCO recognized Phu Tho xoan singing as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity.

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